An award winning, semi-evergreen, perennial forming a low clump of upright stems to 10cm in height, with fleshy, bluntly toothed, obovate leaves with creamy-white margins. The whole leaf can be tinged dark pink. Loose clusters of starry bright yellow flowers in late spring and summer.
Not only is this tough plant drought resistant it also is rabbit resistant too, making it ideal for difficult places. Excellent for rockeries, pots, troughs, front of borders, path edges, etc. In 1993 it was awarded the Award of Garden Merit by the RHS.
A hardy plant which should survive normal winter conditions outside, especially in well drained soil with protection from winter wet. If grown in pots it is recommended to place in a sheltered position for the winter.
Supplied in a 9cm pot.
Family: Crassulaceae
Syn: Sedum floriferum ‘Variegatum’
Common Name: Variegated orange stonecrop
Native: E. Asia – Japan to Siberia
Awards: RHS Award of Garden Merit
Height: 10 cm (4″)
Spread: 30cm (12″)
Soil Type: Prefers poor soil, moist soil with good drainage
Soil PH: Neutral, Alkaline, Acid
Aspect: Sun, Partial Shade
UK Hardiness: Hardy
Flowering Time: Spring / Summer
Flower Colour: Yellow
Foliage Colour: Green with cream margins which can be tinged dark pink.
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