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Iris chrysographes Black Form

We took advantage of the better weather today to lift and divide our Iris chrysographes Black form plants. These are beautiful Iris plants with flowers of such a dark purple they’re very nearly black!

Even with the recent cold weather there were signs of fresh growth buds. We have put the pots into a cold frame to protect them whilst they settle in.

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We love mint here at Sturton Plants and stock many varieties. Our favourite use is mint tea using Moroccan Mint closely followed by Mint Sauce. What’s your favourite way to use mint? Any recipes to share?

It is widely agreed that mint can help digestion. Many people believe it has calming properties and promotes a good night’s sleep. We always finish every day with a cup of mint tea. In fact there are many herbal claims & uses for mint including cleansing the skin (it is mildly astringent), helping ease sore throats and peppermint is even claimed to keep insects away.

We’d love to hear your favourite use for any types of mint plant including lotions, cocktail recipes, recipes, etc and will publish the best on this site.

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Whats in store…

This year we won’t be selling huge volumes as we build our range of plants and bulk up stock. We will be placing some items on Facebook marketplace and attending some local markets and boot fairs. Whilst the bones of the website are in place we still need to flesh it out. We will be adding more products, descriptions and suggested uses. We have some exciting plants and ideas so please do follow us on Facebook. Come and see us at the markets and car boots we will attend (see below or check Facebook for details).

We are always interested in unusual Alpine, rockery and herb plants. We may be interested in trading so why not let us know what you’ve got…