An unusual mint which adds a wonderful orange mint flavour to salads, fruit drinks, teas, cocktails, etc. It also makes a refreshing citrus addition to potpourri. The stems have a reddish tinge and the roundish green leaves have an amazing orange and mint aroma/flavour. The underside and margins (edges) of the leaves have a purplish colour.
We recommend growing all mints in pots or containers as they can quickly become invasive in the right conditions. We do grow several varieties in the ground ourselves and allow them to wander where they want (within reason). They give a wonderful aroma where they have spread into the lawn when walking on it & during mowing.
A hardy plant which should survive normal winter conditions outside, especially with protection from the hardest frosts. If grown in pots it is recommended to place in a sheltered position for the winter.
More Details:
Family: Lamiaceae
Syn: Mentha x piperita f. citrata ‘Orange’
Common Name: Orange Mint
Native: Widespread – Europe and the Midle East
Height x Spread: 30cm x 60cm (12″ x 24″)
Soil Type: Moist
Soil pH: Acid, Alkaline, Neutral
Aspect: Sunny
UK Hardiness: Hardy
Flowering Time: June, July, August, September
Flower Colour: Mauve Pink
Foliage Colour: Green
Common Uses: Fruit salads, desserts and ice creams, vinegars, jellies and sauces, teas and cocktails
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